Text the word’s ‘STANDREWS give‘ followed by the amount you wish to give to the number 66777.
For example:
To give £5 text STANDREWS give £5
To give £10 text STANDREWS give £10
To give £20 text STANDREWS give £20
Contribute to the Life and Work of the Church
Your giving is used to transform lives through all that we seek to do as a church as we seek to be God’s transforming presence for our town. This is through our investment in the next generation through our children and youth ministries, our many community initiatives, missional communities and small groups and partnering with others locally and around the world. We can each play our part in the vision by praying, serving and giving towards the work of the church.
As Christians, giving is our response to God’s amazing grace and the indescribable gift of his son to us. Generous giving blesses others and supplies the needs of God’s people, it is also an act of obedience and trust – in doing it we are saying that it is God, not ourselves or anyone else, who ultimately provides for our needs. Giving should never be forced or grudging, but rather voluntary and cheerful. ‘Let each one give as he has made up his own mind and purposed in his heart, not reluctantly or sorrowfully or under compulsion, for God loves a giver whose heart is in his giving.’ (2 Corinthians 9:7).
Giving financially is just one way of expressing generosity. If you’re struggling financially or in debt, we encourage you to express generosity in a non-financial way by serving on a team, praying for the Church, or being generous with your time towards others.
You can give regularly by setting up a standing order with your bank, or by using the same details to make a BACS payment when it suits you. Please complete our Standing Order Form (download) and forward it directly to your bank. Hardcopies are available in the church lounge and there is no need to return this form to the church.
Make your Standing Order payable to:
St Andrews PCC Private Account
Sort Code: 08-92-99
Acc No: 65031292
Bank: Co-operative Bank, Skelmersdale (Business Direct)
Registered Charity Number: 1128971
Alternatively you can give through a charitable aid agency such as Stewardship, JustGiving or CAF.
Give online using a credit or debit card through our Givey page.
Text the word’s ‘STANDREWS give‘ followed by the amount you wish to give to the number 66777.
For example:
To give £5 text STANDREWS give £5
To give £10 text STANDREWS give £10
To give £20 text STANDREWS give £20
If your employer, company or personal pension provider runs a Payroll Giving scheme, you can donate straight from your wages or pension. This happens before tax is deducted from your income.
If you are a Higher Rate or Additional Rate taxpayer, you can increase your charitable donations by using Payroll Giving. This increases your donations by the amount of the tax you would have paid on the donation if you’d kept it as income, about 67% for Higher Rate taxpayers, or about 82% for Additional Rate taxpayers. If you are a Basic Rate taxpayer, then Payroll Giving would increase your donations by 25%, which is the same as a Gift Aid declaration. Your HR department can provide more details on this.
The same result can be achieved if you fill in a self assessment tax return and re-claim the difference between the tax recovered via Gift Aid and the tax the you have actually paid – however, this will delay the tax recovery until the end of the financial year, and we do not receive it directly.
Gift Aid allows UK charities to claim back the basic rate tax already paid on donations, by the donor, from HMRC. If you are a UK taxpayer, and have paid or will pay sufficient income or capital gains tax, Gift Aid increases the value of your donations by 25%, so it means that your gift goes even further – and won’t cost you extra. To add Gift Aid to your giving, please complete a Gift Aid Declaration Form (opens in a new window), or tick the “I want to add Gift Aid” box when making a small donation via Givey.com.
Please note that Gift Aid declarations are valid for six years once you fill one in. If you give regularly and you’ve stopped paying tax, or you don’t want us to claim Gift Aid on a particular gift you’ve made because you haven’t paid tax on it, please let us know.
If you are considering making a bequest to St Andrew’s or have already included a gift to St Andrew’s in your will and would like to talk to somebody or require more information, then please feel free to contact us. This information will be treated in confidence and is not binding in any way.
General information about leaving a legacy is available at churchlegacy.org.uk
None of what we do is possible without the prayers, time, money, energy and enthusiasm of you – the members of this church.
While this page talks about financial giving, we have a variety of ways you can get involved and contribute to the life of St Andrew’s in many ministries.
If you have any questions, need help setting up, adjusting or cancelling your giving, or wish to talk to someone about giving please email giving@standrewshw.co.uk or give us a call.
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