
A Place for Everyone and Every Family

Join us on Sundays at 10:15am

When you visit St Andrew’s Church, you’re welcomed as a friend. Whether it’s your first visit or your fifteenth, we invite you to participate fully in our community. Join us at 10:15 am every Sunday for our all ages service followed by tea and coffee. 



Experience God in a new, fresh way as we worship with modern music that celebrates the beauty and diversity of God’s kingdom. You can just listen or join in when you feel ready. Join us Sunday at 10:!5am. 

Children & Youth

Children and Young people join us for the first 15 mins and then have their own groups that they enjoy with community and safe, fun programs aimed at their age group. 


As a scripture-based community, the Bible guides all we do. Hear a Jesus-centered message drawn from the Bible by our engaging speakers and come closer to God personally.

We aim to finish our Sunday morning 10:15 am service within 75 mins to 90 mins. At the latest this will be 11.45am.

Our parking is easy to find!  We have our own limited parking at the church. We also have overflow car parking at Highcrest School just over the road, with signs to direct you. There is just a short walk back to the church. If you park on the residential streets nearby, please do park considerately and avoid blocking our neighbours driveways.

There are several reserved spaces for disabled parking right outside the door.

Do stay after the church service for refreshments that are served in the lounge area. We have a welcome desk where you can find out more and be introduced to the church leaders if you would like to do that.

If you’re moved to receive prayer after your visit to St Andrew’s, come forward at the end of the service during Ministry Time.

There’s no strict dress code at St Andrew’s! Most people wear quite casual clothes, where some may choose to dress more smartly. Please wear whatever clothes you’re comfortable in. You will be warmly welcomed.

At St Andrew’s, we come from all across the High Wycombe area with a real diversity of ages, ethnicities and backgrounds. The diversity of our community reflects the richness of God’s kingdom, and we’re proud so many choose to call St Andrew’s their church home.

You can join us online for a live stream or to watch back previous services. 

Or join us at 3pm on the first Sunday of each month for a service followed by tea and cakes. 

There are some traditional hymns, prayer and a bible reading. Lifts are available if needed. Please contact the church office if you would require a lift. 

We share in communion every other week, have occasional baptisms, and hear stories of what God is doing in our lives.

Missional Communities

A Missional Community is a close-knit spiritual family of Christians on mission together. The size of an extended family, MC’s are united around a shared aim of reaching a particular neighbourhood or network of relationships with the good news of Jesus.

Groups meet 3-4 times a month, attending to the three dimensions of Christian life – up, in and out…

People sitting in a circle in a garden

Children's Ministry

Our values at St Andrew’s all form around the truth that God is at work in us and through us no matter how old or young we are; even the youngest of us can be moved by God’s presence.

We love to see children of all ages encounter God. We want to see children come to know who they are in Christ and what they carry as children of the King.

woman in an orange tshirt reading a book to a young child sitting on her lap

Youth Ministry

Our main vision and purpose for our youth is for them to continue growing faith and building community, so that each week they can come along knowing they belong and have a purpose.

Each week there are creative activities to get them thinking about faith and growing knowledge of God, but also what it means practically for us as we live out our lives.

two children, one riding on the back
YAN punting

Young Adults Network

The Young Adults Network (YAN) intends to help people in this age-range (20s & 30s) to meet, build friendships and a sense of community in a church that is growing ever larger. We publish a programme of some planned events and encourage people to join the e-mail list and organise extra ad-hoc activities.

We really encourage everyone to join one of the small groups too, to meet and build friendships.  Our 20s/30s programme is to supplement these by offering more social events and enabling you to meet a wider range of people.

To join the e-mail list, get a copy of the current 20s&30s programme, or if you need to talk to someone about stuff please contact us.


We have a dedicated team who work amongst the retired within the church and in the community. We offer a range of activities and support.

  • Lunch Club on Wednesdays are a place where retired people meet for a delicious lunch and a time to talk with others. Lunch Club meets every Wednesday from 1.15pm until 3.30pm and lifts are available. There is a delicious home cooked meal, and guests get a chance to participate in craft activities, singing, and outings during the year. For more details or if you would like to come along, please contact the Church office on 01494 529668 or email
  • 1st Sunday @ 3 – Join us at 3pm on the first Sunday of each month for a traditional service followed by tea and cakes. Lifts are available.
  • Owls bible study and discussion group takes place every 2nd and 4th Wednesday before Lunch Club. 
A man smiling at the camera

Lifts to church are available on Sunday mornings.

Home Visits and Residential Services are offered to many people who are unable to get to celebrations. They receive home communion and visits on a regular basis while a team from the church also take monthly and seasonal services in residential homes and day centres in the community.

For more information on support for Seniors please contact Ian Clark on 01494 529668.

For more information about 1st Sunday @ 3 or Owls, please contact Alan Petherbridge on 01494 713614.

Alternatively fill in our contact us form.

Small Groups

Be a BIG part of something small

We love to invest in each other’s lives, share the awesome and awkward moments together, pray for each other and encourage everyone to live out the unique design and destiny God has given them.

These are groups of 8 -15 people who meet weekly to connect with God and with one another.

Our Small Groups start and finish on a term by term basis. This allows everyone to sign up for groups at the same time, 3 times a year. These are called our sign up months, and will take place in January, May and September.

2 men witting on a couch listening to someone

Join a Team

St. Andrews is a thriving community who belive in helping one another – within both church and our High Wycombe neighbours.

We believe Jesus has called His church to love and serve the community and that we can only do this with God’s help and together with God’s people.

We want you to be a part of this! And there are loads of ways to get involved.

2 ladies smiling at the camera

Sharing Care & Support

Here at St Andrew’s we believe in coming alongside others and journeying together in the hard times and also the good.

We support each other in lots of ways, through missional communities, through meals if people are poorly or had a baby. We have wellbeing groups you can belong to, counselling and pastoral visits.

2 ladies sitting and talking

Weddings, Baptisms and Funerals

If you live in the parish or have a connection to St Andrew’s, then we’d love to welcome you and help you arrange important events in your life. 

A wedding couple holding hands


St Andrew’s would be really happy to help you plan your wedding. You can find helpful information about getting married on the Church of England website.

Please contact the church office to speak to someone about arranging your wedding at St Andrew’s. 

Our clergy and PCC have agreed that the Prayers of Love and Faith (blessings for same sex couples), will not be made available at St Andrew’s on the grounds of scripture and conscience. If you live in High Wycombe and would like to receive the above, please contact All Saints Parish Church.

young person getting baptised in water


We love to celebrate all that God is doing in our lives and baptism is a wonderful mark as part of that journey. We offer a number of ways of doing this.

Want to know more? Why not join us at our 10:15 am Sunday morning service and speak to one of our staff members.

People sitting in a church looking at a casket at a funeral


Dealing with the loss of someone can be overwhelming, especially when there are so many things to organise. We are very happy to help you as you have to deal with your own grief and also plan a funeral service

Funerals are organised by your funeral parlor who will get in contact with us on your behalf if the deceased lived in the parish or if you have a connection with St Andrew’s.

The Church of England has some helpful information about dealing with grief and we run The Bereavement Journey course 1-2 times a year.

Growing Deeper

We regularly hold Women's and Men's Ministry events where you have the chance to deepen your faith and share life with other likeminded people. Keep an eye on our events page for upcoming opportunities.