To be God’s transforming presence for High Wycombe and beyond.
Reach out to others meeting needs and sharing the good news of Jesus
Equip those in St Andrew’s to grow deeper together and as disciples of Jesus
Resource the wider church and town by revitalising churches and encouraging mission
Deep Relationships. Building a family of people that is real, authentic and welcoming to anyone.
Compassionate Mission that makes disciples, is intentional in evangelism and concerned with justice and care for all those in need both globally and locally.
Community Transformation that is looking to see change in all spheres of society working in partnership with other agencies and churches where we can.
Emerging Generation. We are multi-generational with a passion for investing in the next generation to follow Jesus.
Spirit Empowered Ministry that releases God’s healing, freedom and transformation and doing the works of the Kingdom.
Biblically based. Equipping people to live more like Jesus, growing in love, prayer, holiness, humility, and generosity.
Passionate Worship. We long to worship God in a way that facilitates encounter with God. More than songs, it is loving God with our heart, soul and mind.
The church building in Hatters Lane was built in 1961 to serve the new housing area 1 mile east of the town centre. Prior to this, there had been an original Mission Hall in Gordon Road, planted out from All Saints Parish Church in the centre of town at the end of the 19th Century. A small and faithful team began to reach out to the surrounding houses with a focus on reaching the new families.
Following significant growth in the late 70’s and early 80’s the old church building was too small. A large extension was added in 1986, allowing further growth of the worshipping church community.
We are about to embark on a major church building revitalisation at St Andrew’s called Nexus. Nexus will refurbish and reorder the existing space, providing new, fit-for-purpose, kitchen facilities, toilets, offices and a new welcome area.
In 2019 a team of 35 people were sent from St Andrew’s to revitalise a church on the other side of town. The church at St Mary and St George’s (SMG) is now growing and self-sustaining reaching out to their local community in Sands and Castlefield.
In 2020, St Andrew’s was designated a Resource Church by the Oxford Diocese to enable the church to have a wider remit for the town of High Wycombe and the surrounding area. This means we have a new strategic vision to help other churches to be renewed and revitalized:
With regard to racism, we believe that the Spirit is at work right now in our culture exposing racial injustice and inequality for the purpose of healing and renewal. As a church we have been on a journey to engage with racial injustice and seek to root it out. We pray that this will lead us forward as a church into greater life, greater freedom and therefore a greater foretaste of the rich diversity that will be present in heaven.
The Bible calls us to be good stewards of creation because it’s God’s good gift to humanity, created by and for Jesus. That’s why at St Andrew’s we take God’s call to care for creation seriously, recognising that it is one of the ‘five marks of mission’
One way we’re doing this is by working with A Rocha to become an eco-church, making climate conscious improvements across five strands of our church’s shared life – teaching & Worship, Lifestyle, Community & Global Engagement, Land and Buildings.
As a result in September 2021 we officially became an ‘eco church’ by achieving an A-Rocha Bronze Award.
At St Andrew’s, we aspire to follow the call of Jesus to reach out in Compassionate Mission around the world.
Jesus said ‘As the Father has sent me, so I send you.’ Our priorities are to support church members who have a long-term calling to global mission, and to inspire and equip people both for short and long-term mission.
We support mission partners around the world in Social Action, Bible translation, Church Planting and sharing Jesus with those who have not heard the Good News yet.
We have a big vision that God invites us to particate with him as the main partner. We all have a part to play in seeing God’s kingdom come on earth as in heaven.
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