Our builder, Edgar Taylor Construction has made significant progress using the services of eight different sub-contractors. The project has moved from demolition to construction phase.
What has been completed so far?
Removal of the existing front canopy.
Building site screened off from main church and the old wooden folding partition taken down.
Demolition of internal walls; ceilings and the completion of new structural openings and alterations (many steel beams needed). Remaining asbestos has been identified and removed.
Stripping out existing doors and wooden frames
Approximately 1/3 of the existing concrete floor has been removed, levelled and relayed.
New internal wall structures have been built to create:
- new kitchen area; store room; servery and larger loft attic
- conversion of chapel to convert to a creche/meeting room
- new layout for the toilets
- conversion of the old kitchen to an office/reception area
The “first fix” for the new electrics/plumbing have been started (much modification is needed to bring up to standard and to integrate with main church).
The roof insulation has been completed

Next Month’s Work
Finish the “first fix” for the electrics and plumbing modifications.
Fit new roof membrane for flat roof above kitchen/office entrance area.
Plasterboard ceilings and plaster.
Commence external works (paths and walls).

The current prediction is that the building work will be completed by mid-late May which is 3 weeks later than the original plan.
This delay was principally caused by the additional work required to level the chapel floor and the unanticipated need to demolish the chapel wall. When the uneven floors in the chapel and AV/store room were removed it was discovered that the masonry wall between chapel and main area floor was not on firm foundations. This meant that it had to be taken down and rebuilt. The digging up and relaying the concrete floor in this area caused a 2-3-week delay (and many skip loads of waste).
Initially there was a short delay while temporary electrical distribution boards were installed and others were relocated as well as tracing and understanding circuits modified over many decades.
Finance Update
The significant additional work relating to the chapel floor and wall has resulted in delays to the project and additional costs. We are working with the contractor, QS and architect to minimise those costs and to see where savings can be made. However, the latest cost estimate shows us £30-35k higher than the budget agreed at the commencement of the work. We still have one significant potential grant that we have been pursuing for some time and hope to have an outcome on that grant funding during February.
Prayer Points
- For the work to continue without any further delays or cost increases.
- For safety for all those working on the site
- For the staff team making preparations for fitting out the space
- For individuals to step forward with new ideas to make the most of this new opportunity
- For resolution of the outstanding items on our two largest grants
- For a positive outcome on the additional grant