As we start the year we want to give an update on where we are at with preparations for the Nexus building project.
Where are we at?
- We are inviting contractors to tender for the work. This process should be completed by March and a main contractor appointed.
- We have been given approval by the Oxford Diocese for building work and are now awaiting the faculty to be granted by the registrar to complete this process.
How much have we raised towards our financial goal?
- Our revised budget for Phase 1 of the Nexus project is £900,000.
- We currently have £650,000 pledged or in the bank.
- We have several substantial grants awaiting approval that we hope will move us towards our goal of £900,000.
- We continue to pray for the final funding to be given so that we can begin work in the next few months.
- We are exploring the possibility of bridging loans to enable us to begin the work on-site, without all the funding in place.
Your continued support and prayer in this matter is greatly appreciated and if you’d like to contribute towards the project, please follow the link below to learn how to do that.