On Sunday 16th June, Simon Dust was licensed as the minister for St Mark’s Church, Bourne End and with Debbie, were both prayed for as they begin this new leadership role. We were encouraged to have a good number of supporters from a wide number of local churches to cheer us on. The new service time of 2pm on a Sunday afternoon is quite a change for the church members. Do pray that as we take on this new responsibility we will see God at work as He builds His church.
You can see more on their new website below.
On July 3rd Simon and Debbie hosted a Missional Community (MC) exploration evening where we gathered 14 of us to look at growing a shared life community that integrates mission and discipleship. We will look to launch the new MC in September with a missional focus of Bourne End. We will also be looking to develop a new monthly inter-generational service on Sunday afternoons to reach out to local families.
Please pray for a growing team of people to support and enable the small seed to grow in Bourne End as the prophet Zechariah says ‘Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin’ (Zechariah 4v10)