Nexus Project – Building Works Starting October 14th

Nexus building project drawing

We are very excited to announce that the Nexus Project will be starting on Monday, the 14th of October! Below are a few practical details to be aware of as we gear up for the building works.

Why Are We Building?

The Nexus Project aims to make our church building more welcoming and accessible for everyone. We’ll be upgrading several key areas, improving accessibility, and creating a space that better serves our ministries and community. These improvements will help us grow and enhance our outreach in the years to come.

During the works, the following areas won’t be accessible: Front entrance, kitchen, creche, prayer room, lounge, lounge toilets and the storage rooms off the lounge.

Preparation Help Needed:

If you’re available after church on Sunday, the 6th of October, we’d love your help for no more than an hour and a half. We need people to take items to charity shops (or to keep for themselves) and relocate things like Christmas decorations, kitchen crockery, tables, chairs, and bits from the upper storage room.

Bring snacks or a packed lunch – any help is greatly appreciated as we prepare for the building works!

Please also let us know if you own a baby stairgate that you’d be willing to donate to us.

Sunday Mornings:

  • Entrance: We’ll enter the building through the side fire exit, directly into the worship space. It will be cozy, but we’ll make it work!
  • Toilets: Access to the downstairs toilets will be around the building via the Hickman Hall entrance. This includes a wheelchair accessible toilet and nappy changing facilities.
  • Dress warmly during the winter months, as cold air may come through the side entrance as the door opens.


  • We urge everyone to park at Highcrest Academy.
  • The bottom car park will be reserved for those with access needs. Drop-offs for access needs can happen in front of St. Andrew’s House, but this area is not for parking.
  • Please avoid parking on Hatters Lane or doing drop-offs there.

If you have any access needs please do get in touch with Holly by emailing

Children’s Work:

  • Kindle will move to St. Andrew’s House from the 13th of October.
  • Kingdom Kids will stay the same, and Kosmic will remain in Hickman Hall.
  • Check-in will take place in the main worship space. We ask parents to arrive by 10 am for a quick check-in before the service starts.
  • Anyone arriving after the children have been released to their groups will need to take their children to their group themselves.

Youth Work:
No changes for youth work


  • On the 6th of October, we’ll serve hospitality with paper cups.
  • From the 13th onwards, there will be no hospitality until further notice.

Sunday teams:
We will send out specific communication and training to Sunday teams in the coming week.

If you have any questions or access needs, please get in touch. We appreciate your patience and support during this exciting time!

Please do continue to pray for all those involved in the Nexus Project and please give your financial support through PayPal by clicking the button below.